Gordon Korman has written many books, which are mainly realistic fictions with a slight hint of action and mysteries. Every Korman book takes the reader on an emotional rollercoaster, but guarantees a satisfactory ending. His stories take place in a variety of settings, from all over the world, but mainly he is famous for writing about relatable, everyday settings (e.g., schools) that turn into wonders and adventures.

    Out of the many great books by Korman, I would recommend the Mastermind Series, No More Dead Dogs, Unplugged, Son of a Mob, Notorious, and Slacker. He even wrote some of the books in the 39 Clues Series, which I also enjoyed.

    I learned how to create intriguing stories from Korman’s writing. I also learned many lessons about friendship and finding joy in my life. I would highly recommend his books to middle schoolers and even some high school students.


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